Gombo de Mots
Flashcard set of Louisiana-specific words
Instructional Media   For Beginners For Continuing Learners   Louisiana   Free Paid
  • image on one side - vocabulary on the other
  • features the Louisiana French, International French, Louisiana Creole, and English words
  • available as a set for purchase or downloadable for free
Gombo de Mots Louisianais is a joint project of CODOFIL and the Louisiana Consortium of Immersion Schools, a nonprofit focused on language immersion education in Louisiana. This set of 51 flashcards highlights Louisiana-specific vocabulary, vocabulary that might be different from a more international, standardized French.

Each card features an image on one side and the word for that image on the other. The vocabulary is listed in Louisiana French, International French, Louisiana Creole (a.k.a. Kouri-Vini), and English. You can purchase the 5x7in cards as a deck printed on high quality cardstock and stored in a clear plastic case, or you can download them for free from LCIS' website. If you choose to purchase, the profits will go to LCIS in their continued efforts to support immersion education in Louisiana. Decks are available at the CODOFIL office.

These 51 cards are by no means an exhaustive list of the differences in Louisiana French and International French, and they do not cover all the possible ways of saying a particular item even within Louisiana French and Louisiana Creole (which have a lot of variation). Exhaustive lists are better suited to a dictionary format. With these cards, the goal is to provide a tool to start open-minded conversations between language learners and native or heritage speakers.
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